I am to get two hours respite today. The service provider called on Wednesday and said she could have someone in the house for two hours on Fridays. That is a relief, albeit a small one. She also said that the worker could do some housework; dusting or ironing or whatever and that I should make a list. I replied that there was plenty for the person to do while I was out.
My other respite options are on the way. The day program at the nursing home was looking alright until we found out there are no actual beds. It seems this program is for more ambulant visitors. They have a no-lift policy so Arthur would have to get himself out of his wheelchair to go to the toilet and they couldn't do his personal care in his wheelchair. Later, I will comment more fully on the social justice aspects of not providing for frail people in an aged care respite program. We are scheduled for a visit to the facility and a talk to the provider at the end of the month.
The Cottage, which is further away in distance, is much more hopeful prospect. The manager who visited us in Arthur's home was much more accommodating. They can take Arthur overnight from Tuesday morning to Friday afternoon. He said they have an powered bed, ensuite, TV in the room and 2:1 staff to guest ratio. He was very positive and said the staff could assist Arthur with his personal care. I was very impressed with his attitude. A young man, probably early 30's he was very repectful and interested in Arthur and addressed his questions to Arthur while including me, ensuring Arthur was the focus of the conversation. I am going to have a look at The Cottage.
I have hurt my back moving Arthur.